The power to bring new life into the world is traded
for a promotion to middle manager.
for more time scrolling the phone.
for a leased luxury vehicle.
for obedience to the ideology.
for a fun weekend in Vegas.
The power to bring new life into the world is traded
for sleeping in on Saturday.
for less responsibility.
for a pat on the back from friends.
for maintaining a nice figure.
for more spending money.
The power to bring new life into the world is traded
for ambiguous opportunities to make something of yourself.
for the protection of a fragile ego.
for a passing fling.
for a new swimming pool.
for a trip to the movie theater.
The power to bring new life into the world is traded
for one more yoga class.
for the exercise of a modern right.
for a visit to a nice restaurant.
for a slogan about power.
for nothing that lasts.
The power to bring new life into the world is traded
for a future where you no longer have that power.